Professional experience

Since Dec. 2016, University Paul Sabatier Toulouse III,  Geosciences Environment Toulouse (France)
Associate Professor

2013-2016, The University of Lausanne, Institute of Earth Sciences (Switzerland)
Senior Researcher (SNSF Ambizione)

2010-2013, Curtin University, Department of Applied Geology, Perth (Australia)
Research fellow and lecturer

2007-2009, The University of Montpellier, CNRS (France)

2007, The University of Neuchâtel , Geology and Hydrogeology Institute (Switzerland)
PhD and teaching assistant


Master 2: Henri-Poincare University, CRPG, Nancy (France)

Master 1: Blaise Pascal University, LMV, Clermont-Ferrand (France)

Bachelor: Blaise Pascal University, Clermont-Ferrand and University of Sciences and Technology, Lille (France)

Current responsabilities

Co-head of research team : Inner Earth and Lithosphere / Terre Interne Lithosphere (French website)

Co-head of Master 2 : Earth and Georesources (French website)

Scientific manager: Thin-sections lab at GET

Scientific expert: Micro-characterization Raimond Castaing centre (French Website)

Member of Council Comitee: Toulouse Graduate School of Earth and Space Science (TESS)

Member Officer: French Society of Mineralogy and Cristallography (SFMC), ELEMENT journal bulletin editor